friday on etsy

After yesterday's weirdness (heh) I am once again returning to Undiscovered for my finds today.
I really would love to have my blog (at least once) help someone get their first sale. I think that would be just too cool. :D

So, today, for Friday, bright and cheerful and one tribute to America to get us all started :D

To show my love for my country, I picked this item from Jo Chris 12. It's simple and tasteful and gets the message across. I also think it's something you can wear all year 'round, not just on the holiday!

And on to the Undiscovered's for today...

Thingyworks! Bright and cheerful designs straight from Budapest!

Watermelon Necklace

Orange Op Art

ThingyWorks was featured in a The Storque, Spotlight "Best of the Week" in June! Check out her shop. It's filled with color and Thingies ;)

Julie Suzanne has light hearted and brilliantly colored original art.

Three Reasons

Soft and Blue

You can visit Jule Suzanne at her blog where she is 'recapturing creativity'!

Happy 4th of July to you all!
