Camera Critters - #134

This little critter landed on our window just after a rain storm. I don't know what kind of butterfly (or moth?) this is.  Normally pictures I take through the window don't come out well.  I got lucky this time!

Thanks for coming by to see my critter.  Please check out the other participants of Camera Critters.

oh, hello.


  1. Well shot! It's a pretty butterfly but I couldn't tell you what it is :-)

  2. I don't know what kind it is myself, but it is a good shot, I like the rain on the window to go with it. Thanks for the kind words on my site.

  3. A great capture, nice of it to land on your window. That is such an interesting perspective to see underneath for a change.

  4. Beautiful shot and a pretty butterfly.

  5. Lovely, with the rain on the window and the butterfly looking at you.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. yes, luck was on your side ~ nicely captured

  7. That did turn out good. What a great shot, it's perfect!

  8. very strong colors for the underside of the wings. :)

  9. From the thumbnail I didn't realize this was a view from below. Lovely!

  10. Love the markings, maybe a moth? Not sure though. Either way, lovely!!

  11. no idea...but sure is a pretty shot!


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