365 Project - Sew Many Words

Last week I mentioned on my Facebook page that I came across a completely awesome 365 project by Emma Hughes, in which she stitches a new word every day.  Not only am I an avid stitcher, which you all know by now, I'm also a huge fan of word games. This project had an instant appeal to me so I've started my own.

For those of you who aren't familiar, a 365 project is a year long activity where you chronicle your daily life one photo at a time.  For me, that will mean that every day I stitch a new word that I find using a random word generator.  After I finish stitching it, I'll take a photo of it. 

I've set up a special Tumblr blog as well as a page on the 365.org site which will house the photos.  Feel free to follow along!

Here is the groovy graphic  I made for the project:

I've already uploaded my first word:

Origin: 1475–85; < French: a small boat

Emma's idea of sending out pre-stamped envelopes for those wishing to donate a scrap of fabric was a stroke of genius.. so please do contact me if you're in the U.S. and interested in donating.. it can be a scrap as small as 4" x 4" (so I can get it into a hoop) up to any size you like. If you donate I'd be happy to mention you in the posting to thank you for your generosity.

I hope you'll follow along and I hope to inspire you to start your own 365 project. Wish me luck!