Camera Critters - #136 - Shoulda been a pie!

I kid. I wouldn't make a pie out of a 'possum. Nor would I eat one. This bold critter visited us this summer and spent quite a while feasting at the feeder, in broad daylight as you can see. Yes, our sunflower seeds are just that good.   Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. lol.

A very pink nose. I haz one.

Sensitive about my nose, I am!

Prehensile tail close-up. fReAkY!

A safe distance all the time!

Visit Camera Critters for more critter fun!


  1. Amazing!!! The fact that it'd eat in daylight...they're usually nocturnal. Great photos!!! Simply super.

    Texas Zoo in Victoria is my Camera Critters this week!! I hope to see that you can visit with me also.

  2. What a bunch of lovely photos! I had one in my yard once, I thought it might be dead, I got a shovel and picked it up and put it over the fence, it got up and ran away! So they really do play possum!

    Love the butterfly in your header.

  3. Wow, I'd be a little nervous, those things can be nasty.

    Cool shots though!

    Thanks for stopping by mine :)

  4. Wow - what fabulous close-up shots!

  5. What a very cute guy! Great shots, glad you posted the prehensile tail close-up.

  6. ohhh he is a bold little guy, but he's kinda cute, you gotta admit :) nice shots!


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